Στις 13 με 20 Απριλίου 2019, διενεργήθηκε η τρίτη και τελευταία φάση του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος "Η πόλη μου μέσα από τα μάτια σου". Οι συμμετέχοντες, μαζί με τους συνοδούς τους, φιλοξενήθηκαν στο Lycée Denis Diderot και είχαν έτσι την ευκαιρία να ανακαλύψουν την πόλη της Μασσαλίας.
Στα Εκπαιδευτήρια Βασιλειάδη σαν βασικό στόχο έχουμε την ποιοτική εκπαίδευση και τη σωστή προετοιμασία των μαθητών για μια κοινωνία με δικαιοσύνη, όπου η γνώση θεωρείται πολύτιμο αγαθό και προωθεί τον πολιτισμό και τις κοινές αξίες παγκοσμίως.
Είμαστε ένα σχολείο που επιδιώκει τη συνεχή βελτίωση, την αλλαγή, την πολυμορφία και εφαρμόζει μηχανισμούς συνεχούς ανατροφοδότησης και υποστήριξης της επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης των εκπαιδευτικών μας.
Για το λόγο αυτό συμμετέχουμε ή συντονίζουμε ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα και συνεργαζόμαστε με σχολεία και φορείς από όλη την Ευρώπη που σαν στόχο έχουν τη βελτίωση του εκπαιδευτικού έργου και της παρεχόμενης διδασκαλίας για τους εκπαιδευτικούς μας αφενός και αφετέρου, δίνεται η δυνατότητα στους μαθητές/τριες μας να γνωρίσουν νέους από διαφορετικές χώρες της Ευρώπης και να συνεργαστούν μαζί τους σε κοινά θέματα που απασχολούν τους νέους σήμερα, όπως η ισότητα, η αποδοχή της διαφορετικότητας κ.α. .
Σε μια κοινωνία που διαρκώς εξελίσσεται, πιστεύουμε ότι είναι υποχρέωσή μας να επιδιώκουμε την προσωπική και τη συλλογική επαγγελματική βελτίωση και εξέλιξη των εκπαιδευτικών μας για τον εμπλουτισμό και την ενδυνάμωση του εκπαιδευτικού τους έργου, για την ανύψωση της προσωπικής τους αυτοεκτίμησης, με τελικούς αποδέκτες αυτής της επένδυσης, τους μαθητές μας και την κοινωνία γενικότερα.
Ευρωπαϊκά & Διεθνή Προγράμματα που υλοποιήθηκαν ή εξελίσσονται αυτήν τη χρονική περίοδο:
PCS - Professions in a Changing Society
2001 - 2003 / Comenius multilateral project
DDL - Development, Design, Learning
2003-2006 / The spread of education with the use of new technologies / Comenius multilateral project
S.O.S. is calling the earth
2005-2006 / Comenius bilateral project
EZERINF - From Zero to Infinity
2006 - 2008 / Problem solving, progressive inquiry & blended learning in school / Comenius school project
SEED - Science by Experiments through European Dialog
2006 - 2009 / Comenius project
DSSV - Different Stories Same Values
2011 - 2012 / Comenius project
CEEA - Chemical Experiments a European Approach
2015 - 2017 / Erasmus+ , KA2 project
We Play We Learn We Teach
2016 - 2018 / Erasmus +, KA02 Stragetic Partnerships
Meeting the Future - Evolution
2015 - 2016 / Erasmus+ , KA02 project / Επιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτικών
Premio Internazionale "Marco e Ippolito"
2012 - 2018 / Premio Internazionale "Marco e Ippolito" - Διεθνής διαγωνισμός / Reggio Calabria, Italy
Digital Literacy in 6 Steps
2019-2021 Erasmus+
Safe Digitalized Schools in the European School Network
2019 - 2021 Erasmus+
Sharing Important Differences Enrich
2019 - 2021 Erasmus+
Birds Over European Skies
Applicant Organisation
Organisation ID Legal name Country
Partner Organisations
No Organisation ID Legal name & Country
2 E10131064 Akhisar Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi Turkey
3 E10120686 I.I.S. MARIO RIGONI STERN Italy
4 E10178734 Zespol Szkol Lesnych Poland
5 E10043733 Anyksciai distr. Troskunai Kazys Inciura Gymnasium Lithuania
7 E10124096 5 GYMNASIO MYTILHNHS Greece
Project Summary
A group of eight secondary schools from different corners of the European continent (RO, GR, IT, LT, PL, PT, TR) identified the same needs and requested pedagogical imput toward a better and more comprehensive ornithological education toward their students. As emerged from a need analysis realised before setting up a partnership, most of the secondary students either are not capable to enumerate ten feral species of birds living in their area or are making big mistakes concerning their names/species when spotting a bird in a certain habitat. To address these needs, secondary students have in the field of ornithological knowledge, a partnership was setup, between eight European schools, to work together in a strategic project in which ornithological education is promoted among students in parallel with the creation of some intellectual outputs in a form of a bird atlas (either in English or in several mother tongues of the partners: RO, GR, PL) which will foster the same needs for other European schools who share the same needs and can use the project's end products, made available on different channels in a form of an open educational resource.
Two SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES were defined to meet the expressed needs:
Ob1. Increasing bird identification competencies among a group of 800 students who will be capable, until June 2022, to recognize in different habitats at least 60 feral avian species existing in the partner schools’ regions.
Ob2. Creating, until May 2022, a bird atlas having at least 430 pages, as an open education resource, in four languages, containing the 200 most specific bird species found in different corners of Europe, atlas intended to be used as a pedagogical auxiliary both in the partner schools and in other relevant secondary schools to foster the ornithological education among secondary students during the biology classes.
To meet the expectations of the partnership, outdoor activities will be organized in each partner school, with groups of students, in order to study, identify and recognize different feral avian species in their specific habitats. The outdoor activities are planned to be organized with at least 100 students in each school, with small number of students in a single birding activity, to minimize the human interference with the bird populations and to minimize the disturbance and nuisance a group of humans can cause to wild life. The activities will be organized in different habitats to allow diversity and maximize the chances of each participating student to identify and recognize at least 60 avian species, a number which covers the great majority of a bird population in a certain area, ensuring a relevant ornithological knowledge at the end of the project. During the outdoor activities with the students, photography sessions will be organized by each partner in order to collect relevant photos of the local birds, based on a previously agreed bird list, photographs which will be centralized in a European bird atlas depicting/describing, in total, at least 200 bird species. The avian species presented in the bird atlas (edited in English and translated into RO, GR, PL), published both as printed book and eBook, will be chosen form a European bird database, created at the beginning of the project. Each partner will choose at least 25 bird species to be photographed during the outdoor activities (in their natural habitats), to be described after a research session, and to be inserted in the bird atlas in such a way that it covers both common species and bird specific only to a certain region. In order to increase the knowledge of the participating teachers, in this specific field of biology, two short term joint staff training sessions are envisaged, distanced one year apart, with the participation of teachers from each partner, in order to ensure the necessary knowledge both for taking proper photographs, to identify certain bird species, to foresee the presence of certain species in specific habitats, to know basic elements about bird research focusing on bird descriptions, measuring and ringing activities.
The main impact on the participating teachers and participating students will be an increased knowledge about different bird species, the connection between birds and habitats, the human influence on the environment and how this is affecting birds' life. Bird observation and recognition skills are fostered during outdoor activities. The laboration of the foreseen intellectual outputs is expected to produce changes in the way biology is taught in the participating schools and in the schools targeted by the dissemination strategy of the partners, ensuring a diversification of the pedagogical auxiliaries the schools are using. The availability of the final products in eBook form is a major advantage allowing them to be posted on multiple online sources and to be reached by a large number of schools capable of using them during their pedagogical approaches. -
Dance Music Arts NLP E-Learning for Educators
Dance-Music-Arts- NLP- E-Learning for Educators
Applicant Organisation
Organisation ID: Legal name: Country:
E10134469 SkillsUp Training & Research Services Netherlands
Partner Organisations
No Organisation ID: Legal name & Country:
2 E10088167 Liceul Tehnologic Anghel Saligny , Romania
4 E10051005 Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsschule , Germany
6 E10005274 Roes Cooperativa KOIN.S.EP. , Greece
7 E10082497 Asociatia Copiii in Sanul Familiei , Romania
Project Summary
The actual context of the COVID-19 creates a wealth of insecurity, uncertainty for pupils, youth, students and a massive challenge for educators and youth workers. The situation in the various realities of the partners’ are presenting distress, difficulty in engaging with students and keep them motivated (besides isolated examples), showing uncertainty of future employment possibilities and maybe a drastic change of marketplace needs.
Aim: We are addressing the needs of primary, gymnasium and high school teachers and educators working with minorities, fewer opportunities youth and rural youth in creating innovative approaches that are more inclusive, using digital environments, and dealing with emotional understanding. Thus, the project supports participants (prospective teachers) to deliver high quality teaching that deals with the complexity of the learners by focusing their approaches on inclusion, improving attainment and continuing education as well as empowering learners.
O1. Developing more flexible methods for involving students in actively learning the curricula during the class hours, and test the most relevant ones throughout the lifetime of this project and measure the commitment to finish all education cycles. (NLP, mindfulness, e-learning). This objective meets SDG 1 and 4.
O2. Sharing innovative techniques for teaching and measuring impact of teaching to boost the ability of students to learn and participate in the process, supported by e-learning, that are applied and tested by the teachers in classrooms/ online. By the end of the project those techniques would be filtered and adapted to the realities of the participating countries (dance, music, theatre, arts, digital art, digital environments).
This objective meets SDG 1 and 4.
O3. Methods for blending digital environments with practical, hands-on activities for learning STEM that are transferred to the teachers during a Training Course, and applied in the classroom by those. Those will be shared during Training Courses and integrated in the teachers activity through practical assignments (movement, music, art, e-learning, gamification). This objective meets SDG 4 and 10.
O4. Methods for psycho-emotional balance, that can be used/applied by both teachers and students, for improved focus, decision making, clarity, health and wellbeing, in/outside classroom. Those shall be acquired during the lifetime of the project and transferred by the teachers to other fellow teachers (NLP, mindfulness, rhetoric, music, dance). This objective meets SDG 3, 4 and 10.
The common need is integrating approaches for supporting learners with fewer opportunities achieve and maintain educational development:
-Literacy among youth, achievement in STEM topic, emotional balance, digital & technology, employability in the actual and future job market.
-Improving the approaches of teachers, educators in classroom, activities and homework making those holistic and appealing to the learners of all ages.
-implementing a structured non-formal approach for involving disadvantaged youth, pupils and students in up-skilling and adapting to the actual job markets’ needs as well as including those youth in the community participation.
-Prototyping tools and methods based on what techniques are used by teachers in classroom now, the ones shared by the facilitators in the training courses and the testing and observation of those techniques in the classrooms of the teachers attending those activities.
For supporting those priorities we bring forward:
- Tools from coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming that are giving educators and teachers the ability to understand how to use linguistic tools and other tools in order to meet pupils at their best, and it brings ways on how to use humor and speaking tools.
- Mindfulness as a means to access balance at the level of mind and body for getting young people calibrated for learning, focus and kindness.
- Visual art and visual stories promoted by schools in schools and in classrooms
- Theatre techniques to be used in front of the classroom
- Theatre as a tool for expressing the unexpressed, hidden thoughts and ideas through personas as well as role plays, improvisation and humour.
- Digital art for meeting interactive ways of exploring methods of teaching, inclusion, and transferring learning.
- Dance & movement as methods that enhance the way that teachers are managing certain activities and adapt the way they are teaching certain classes of maths and sciences.
- Music and rhetorics as mediums that are amplifying the way that both teachers/ educators and pupils/ students are interacting, talking and transmitting information as well as music that helps to accelerate learning processes.
- E-learning as a tool for enhancing the capabilities of teachers in various online environments, sharing interesting information with students and for pupils and student.
Schools Engage
Service Learning as a vehicle for fostering active citizenship
in secondary education across EuropeApplicant Organisation
Organisation ID: Legal name: Country:
Partner Organisations
No Organisation ID: Legal name & Country
2 E10151978 SDRUDZENIE ZNAM I MOGA Bulgaria
4 E10091795 93rd "Alexander Teodorov - Balan" Secondary school Bulgaria
Project Summary
The SCHOOLS ENGAGE project aims at developing, testing, and validating an innovative educational package for secondary education that builds on Service Learning (SL) as a pedagogical context for cultivating citizenship competences and promoting civic engagement, participation and common values. Service Learning is globally recognized among the most effective pedagogies for building responsibility towards society and fostering civic engagement. It usually concerns the engagement of students in voluntary community service projects that create mutual benefit for themselves and community.
On this basis, the SCHOOLS ENGAGE project aims at:
1) Enhancing teachers’ professional development by supporting them to apply innovative teaching practices related to service learning and citizenship education and equipping them with tools, methodologies and ready-to use materials. Teachers will be offered flexible ways of training that will enable them to integrate SL in their curricula and ensure their effective CPD.
2) Supporting the real life testing and application of SL interventions in schools in four European Countries (Germany, Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus) and as an extension increase student’s civic participation, strengthen their democratic values and cultivate active citizenship competences such as critical thinking, collaboration, social responsibility, advocacy etc.
The project includes key activities: training directly through an international workshop 40 teachers and through online means more than 300; apply SL in the classroom involving more than 100 students, engage a high number of community stakeholders in the SL student’s projects; reflect upon and evaluate the learning outcomes and impact on students civic engagement.
In terms of intellectual inputs, the project will result in: i) a Service Learning teachers training programme, ii) A Schools engage online course offering a highly interactive e-learning course for enabling a larger number of teachers to become effective transmitters of SL and active citizenship education practices, iii) A SL Resource Bank offering a pool of practical resources, teaching and learning scenarios, case studies and experiential learning activities for connecting students’ academic learning with meaningful SL experiences that will contribute to their personal growth and civic engagement, and finally iv) a SL Reflection hand book to help teachers collect accurate data and perform reflective practices with their students in line with the principles of experiential learning pedagogies.
It is envisioned that in the long term the projects results will contribute significantly to the introduction of SL and active citizenship education practices in secondary education which as an extension will bring a positive impact upon students willingness and competences to actively and responsibly participate in society while strengthening and cultivating their common and democratic values. -
Ανταλλαγές Μαθητών - Students Exchange
Προγράμματα eTwinning, Αδελφοποιήσεις με άλλα σχολεία και συνεργασίες
Το σχολείο μας συμμετείχε για άλλη μια φορά στο ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα ανταλλαγής νέων Erasmus+ Youth Exchange, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Nachod της Τσεχίας, από τις 27 Μαρτίου έως την 1η Απριλίου 2019. Υπεύθυνη της διοργάνωσης ήταν η SVC Decko Nachod. Στο πρόγραμμα συμμετείχαν ομάδες νέων από Τσεχία, Σλοβακία, Λιθουανία, Ισπανία και Ελλάδα. Τη χώρα μας εκπροσώπησε το σχολείο μας με 6 μαθητές/-τριες της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου, μία συνοδό εκπαιδευτικό και μία έμπειρη αρχηγό-youth worker της οργάνωσης ActArt.
PCS - Professions in a Changing Society
2001 - 2003 / Comenius multilateral project
DDL - Development, Design, Learning
2003-2006 / The spread of education with the use of new technologies / Comenius multilateral project
S.O.S. is calling the earth
2005-2006 / Comenius bilateral project
EZERINF - From Zero to Infinity
2006 - 2008 / Problem solving, progressive inquiry & blended learning in school / Comenius school project
SEED - Science by Experiments through European Dialog
2006 - 2009 / Comenius project
DSSV - Different Stories Same Values
2011 - 2012 / Comenius project
CEEA - Chemical Experiments a European Approach
2015 - 2017 / Erasmus+ , KA2 project
We Play We Learn We Teach
2016 - 2018 / Erasmus +, KA02 Stragetic Partnerships
Meeting the Future - Evolution
2015 - 2016 / Erasmus+ , KA02 project / Επιμόρφωση εκπαιδευτικών
Premio Internazionale "Marco e Ippolito"
2012 - 2018 / Premio Internazionale "Marco e Ippolito" - Διεθνής διαγωνισμός / Reggio Calabria, Italy
Digital Literacy in 6 Steps
2019-2021 Erasmus+
Safe Digitalized Schools in the European School Network
2019 - 2021 Erasmus+
Sharing Important Differences Enrich
2019 - 2021 Erasmus+
Dance Music Arts NLP E-Learning for Educators
Dance-Music-Arts- NLP- E-Learning for Educators
Applicant Organisation
Organisation ID: Legal name: Country:
E10134469 SkillsUp Training & Research Services Netherlands
Partner Organisations
No Organisation ID: Legal name & Country:
2 E10088167 Liceul Tehnologic Anghel Saligny , Romania
4 E10051005 Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsschule , Germany
6 E10005274 Roes Cooperativa KOIN.S.EP. , Greece
7 E10082497 Asociatia Copiii in Sanul Familiei , Romania
Project Summary
The actual context of the COVID-19 creates a wealth of insecurity, uncertainty for pupils, youth, students and a massive challenge for educators and youth workers. The situation in the various realities of the partners’ are presenting distress, difficulty in engaging with students and keep them motivated (besides isolated examples), showing uncertainty of future employment possibilities and maybe a drastic change of marketplace needs.
Aim: We are addressing the needs of primary, gymnasium and high school teachers and educators working with minorities, fewer opportunities youth and rural youth in creating innovative approaches that are more inclusive, using digital environments, and dealing with emotional understanding. Thus, the project supports participants (prospective teachers) to deliver high quality teaching that deals with the complexity of the learners by focusing their approaches on inclusion, improving attainment and continuing education as well as empowering learners.
O1. Developing more flexible methods for involving students in actively learning the curricula during the class hours, and test the most relevant ones throughout the lifetime of this project and measure the commitment to finish all education cycles. (NLP, mindfulness, e-learning). This objective meets SDG 1 and 4.
O2. Sharing innovative techniques for teaching and measuring impact of teaching to boost the ability of students to learn and participate in the process, supported by e-learning, that are applied and tested by the teachers in classrooms/ online. By the end of the project those techniques would be filtered and adapted to the realities of the participating countries (dance, music, theatre, arts, digital art, digital environments).
This objective meets SDG 1 and 4.
O3. Methods for blending digital environments with practical, hands-on activities for learning STEM that are transferred to the teachers during a Training Course, and applied in the classroom by those. Those will be shared during Training Courses and integrated in the teachers activity through practical assignments (movement, music, art, e-learning, gamification). This objective meets SDG 4 and 10.
O4. Methods for psycho-emotional balance, that can be used/applied by both teachers and students, for improved focus, decision making, clarity, health and wellbeing, in/outside classroom. Those shall be acquired during the lifetime of the project and transferred by the teachers to other fellow teachers (NLP, mindfulness, rhetoric, music, dance). This objective meets SDG 3, 4 and 10.
The common need is integrating approaches for supporting learners with fewer opportunities achieve and maintain educational development:
-Literacy among youth, achievement in STEM topic, emotional balance, digital & technology, employability in the actual and future job market.
-Improving the approaches of teachers, educators in classroom, activities and homework making those holistic and appealing to the learners of all ages.
-implementing a structured non-formal approach for involving disadvantaged youth, pupils and students in up-skilling and adapting to the actual job markets’ needs as well as including those youth in the community participation.
-Prototyping tools and methods based on what techniques are used by teachers in classroom now, the ones shared by the facilitators in the training courses and the testing and observation of those techniques in the classrooms of the teachers attending those activities.
For supporting those priorities we bring forward:
- Tools from coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming that are giving educators and teachers the ability to understand how to use linguistic tools and other tools in order to meet pupils at their best, and it brings ways on how to use humor and speaking tools.
- Mindfulness as a means to access balance at the level of mind and body for getting young people calibrated for learning, focus and kindness.
- Visual art and visual stories promoted by schools in schools and in classrooms
- Theatre techniques to be used in front of the classroom
- Theatre as a tool for expressing the unexpressed, hidden thoughts and ideas through personas as well as role plays, improvisation and humour.
- Digital art for meeting interactive ways of exploring methods of teaching, inclusion, and transferring learning.
- Dance & movement as methods that enhance the way that teachers are managing certain activities and adapt the way they are teaching certain classes of maths and sciences.
- Music and rhetorics as mediums that are amplifying the way that both teachers/ educators and pupils/ students are interacting, talking and transmitting information as well as music that helps to accelerate learning processes.
- E-learning as a tool for enhancing the capabilities of teachers in various online environments, sharing interesting information with students and for pupils and student.
Ανταλλαγές Μαθητών - Students Exchange
Προγράμματα eTwinning, Αδελφοποιήσεις με άλλα σχολεία και συνεργασίες